As Michelle drove to work her car was violently struck by another vehicle.
Her airbag deployed. It knocked her out cold.
The car careened across the road and stopped only when it struck a pole that supported high voltage power lines.
Michelle did not feel the pain, nor realize that she was trapped until she was pulled from the car by emergency services. The people on the scene feared Michelle would be killed by an explosion or electrocuted by dangling power lines. They ripped her from the car to safety, unaware her foot was still pinned beneath the gas pedal. Her ankle was shattered and visibly mangled.
Awakening at the hospital she was afraid. But Michelle Gamble had never been a quitter, not even close, and she wasn’t about to start now. She faced long and uncertain recovery and unprecedented challenges to her personal and professional life.
She fought through agony, using every ounce of determination she possessed, for a month in the hospital. She had to decide whether she would live her life and make the best of this new normal, or fall into a deep depression and become a victim to her circumstances. Michelle was brave, positive and determined. But, she had no way of knowing that the worst was ahead and that this was only the beginning of her recovery.