Tragedy, Discipline and Recovery in Laguna Beach – The Story of Michelle Gamble


Michelle decided it was time to take personal stock. She had lost so much so she reminded herself what she had not lost.

  • Her strong work ethic
  • Perseverance
  • Determination
  • Finding a way through every roadblock

These were the traits which saw her excel in her career prior to the accident.

Michelle’s Road to Recovery:

Of course, Ms. Gamble was unwilling to accept that answer. She’d spent her life analyzing data and problems and finding the best solutions possible. Amputation couldn’t be the only option. She sought the advice of more experts who repeated every other doctor’s prognosis. If she did not proceed with the amputation she’d lose her life.

Michelle Gamble and son Cole on a Saturday afternoon

Michelle refused to give up. She researched infections and the latest medical studies and asked tough questions, sometimes surprising her caregivers with her business-like approach to discussing her own body.  The infection was running rampant in her body so she worked day after day and late into the nights researching cutting edge treatments. She networked her way through the medical establishment looking to identify the very best in the field who could give her a solution.  Finally, Michelle met an expert at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center who agreed to help her save her foot. Over the course of two years Michelle endured nine surgeries and persistent pain and the world seemed to be moving ahead without her.