Tragedy, Discipline and Recovery in Laguna Beach – The Story of Michelle Gamble


Michelle and her doctors beat the infection and saved her foot. They spent the last year meeting specialists and over 400 physical therapy sessions. She did not walk or drive in those times but found a way to get around by family, friends, trains, buses and Uber. She had more surgeries to repair her bones and skin only then to start to learn how to walk all over again.  Her ankle was so much different that it had been before that her whole body needed to adjust to doing things very differently.

Michelle’s battle came at a cost. She focused all her energy on maintaining the integrity of her body and for preserving her long-term health for herself and her family.  Michelle missed out on a few years of a very prospering career and saw her best clients and challenging assignments go to people she had trained and mentored.

Michelle Now – Primed for Professionalism:

For Michelle, the journey has been arduous but strangely rewarding. Her recovery is considered medically miraculous. She not only saved her foot but is entirely free of pain and she doesn’t even walk with a limp. The accident which threatened to destroy her has left no mark on her physical abilities. Her health fully recovered, Michelle is grateful for the simple things like walking with her son across the sand on Laguna Beach and the freedom to drive herself to the store and meetings.  When asked, she says how inspired she was by the graciousness of total strangers and their willingness to support her.  On those days, which were so filled with pain, she saw the beauty that comes in simply being present to all that is around her. In the end, the qualities which served her so well in business were the same ones which have led to her full recovery. She says that the last three years have given her more than any period in her life. The accident and the infections which did not kill her, in the end left her healthy with the strength of a survivor.