Trump White House Affirms their “Commitment” to the Free Press


(This report is a follow-up to USA Herald’s earlier coverage of President Trump’s tweet suggesting the revocation of “fake news” credentials.)

An Overview of the White House’s “Commitment” to the Free Press

On Wednesday morning, President Trump sent out a scathing tweet regarding the mainstream media. Within the aforementioned tweet, he accused the “fake news” of “working overtime.” The President moreover suggested “taking away” the credentials of said fake news. Many Trump critics seized the opportunity to blast the President as a result of this.

The foregoing tweet also came up during yesterday’s daily White House press briefing. When asked about the matter by a reporter, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders affirmed the Trump administration’s willingness to work with the media:

We are here, we are taking questions, we are doing everything we can to provide regular and constant information to the American people. We are going to continue to try to work with you.