Twitter Permits Rosie O’Donnell’s “Suck My D*ck” Tweet


Despite Twitter’s crackdown on abusive behavior and conduct, the arguably derogatory phrase “suck my d*ck” appears to be acceptable, reports The Daily Wire.

The Backstory Behind the Tweet

On Wednesday, liberal comedian Rosie O’Donnell and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro got into a Twitter feud after O’Donnell propositioned Republican Senators with two million dollars each in exchange for their votes against the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The series of tweets read as follows:

In a tweet which now appears to be deleted, O’Donnell ordered Shapiro to “suck her d*ck.” His response can be seen below.

Shortly after this exchange, Shapiro announced his decision to report O’Donnell’s vulgar tweet. The purpose of the report, he claimed, was to see whether or not Twitter applies the same rules to both liberals and conservatives. However, Twitter chose not to take action against O’Donnell, as seen in Shapiro’s screenshotted post: