UPDATE: Federal Judge Urges Opioid Lawsuit Defendants to Quickly Settle Claims


We have an update for you about the monumental federal lawsuit filed against pharmaceutical companies that manufactured and promoted the use of opioids. It’s no secret that America is in the grips of an opioid addiction crisis. Once people become addicted to opioids, they face a higher risk of turning to heroin. A study by the NIH found that almost 90% of all heroin users started out with legitimate prescriptions for opioids.

Federal Judge Urges Defendants to Quickly Settle Claims Made

In one of more than 180 federal lawsuits pending against opioid manufacturers and the companies that market them to medical professionals, U.S. District Judge Dan Polster urged both the defendants and the plaintiffs that are representative of city, town, and state governments to quickly begin the settlement process. Judge Polster mentioned that life expectancy for United States citizens has declined for the last three years and that this decline was “100 percent manmade.”

Governments Claim Pharmaceutical Companies Engaged in Bad Marketing Practices

The opioid lawsuits filed by city, town, and state governments allege that the pharmaceutical companies that make and market opioids used bad marketing practices that ultimately resulted in the addiction crisis now happening in the United States. The lawsuits filed by government entities ask the courts to order the drug companies to reimburse the states for the money spent fighting opioid addiction; addiction treatment; overdose treatments provided by law enforcement, hospitals, and emergency medical personnel; the costs incurred by the agencies because of absences of their employees because of addiction; the costs incurred by the agencies for the healthcare costs related to employees struggling with addiction; and costs associated with homelessness and foster care that resulted from opioid addiction.