White House Blocks Biden From Taking Questions Publicly


For these reasons, the president does not have the votes to pass his bill. There’s a bit of irony in the fact that moderate Democrats are the ones unified with Republicans in opposing wildly expensive legislation.

After Biden met with Democrats, some of them attempted to ask him questions. This is when the White House stepped in. Aides to the 46th president intruded and refused to let him make any off-the-cuff remarks.

A telling sign of the president’s instability

It is very telling when Biden’s own administration isn’t comfortable with letting him speak. However, this isn’t the first time something like this occurred. For a while, when Biden first got into office, he refused to give press conferences.

Americans didn’t let this slide, though; even the media began calling the president out on it. At last, Biden started giving press conferences; however, it didn’t take long for the media to capture pictures of Biden holding flashcards.

These flashcards also had pointers written down of media personalities the president should and shouldn’t take questions from. Ultimately, there’s no telling how else the White House is secretly controlling Biden behind the scenes.