Aaron Kelly Law Firm Resorts To Attacking Former Client Again On KellyWarnerLaw.com – Pattern Recognized


In the affidavit, which was apparently signed by “Barri Grossman,” Grossman admits to all liability for the posting and absolved Kelly/Warner of all liability.  The ABA subsequently dismissed the complaint.

Rodrick, a tenacious entrepreneur, sensed something suspicious about the “Barri Grossman” affidavit.  Acting on this suspicion, Rodrick hired multiple investigators to track down “Barri Grossman.”

Sure enough, Rodrick’s gut instinct was right: “Barri Grossman” is a fake person that was apparently made up by Dan Warner as a scapegoat from Rodrick’s bar complaint.

As a backstory Rodrick had filed a lawsuit against Barri Grossman for defamation and was unable to serve Ms. Grossman due to the fact that there is no one named Barri Grossman in the United States and seemingly no Barri Grossman internationally as well.   Rodrick hired multiple investigators and process servers, all of whom were unable to find any Barri Grossman’s in the world.

It was around this time that UCLA Law Professor and Washingon Post Contributor Eugene Volokh started publishing a series of articles on lawyer Aaron Kelly and Daniel Warner that called into question a number of suspicious lawsuits involving nonexistent defendants that they had filed.   Volokh pointed out that it appeared that the Kelly Warner lawsuits were intended to trick Google into removing negatives articles about their clients from internet searches.