Biden Nominates Tech Antitrust Advocate Lina Khan for FTC Commissioner


President Joe Biden announced his most interesting pick for a position within the administration this week. Biden will nominate Lina Khan, legal scholar and tech antitrust movement advocate, to serve as Federal Trade Commission (FTC) commissioner.

There is a growing awareness that Big Tech is too powerful and wields too much influence. Currently, social media companies are so big they are impossible to regulate. Recently, Project Veritas even released recordings of Facebook executives admitting they were “too powerful”.

Antitrust Voices Growing in DC

Some Republicans made efforts to reduce the power of Big Tech last year. Mainstream Democrats largely blocked those efforts. It seems the more progressive wing of the left agrees with the Republicans!

The appointment of Tim Wu to the National Economic Council is a clear signal Biden will rein in Big Tech. Wu is a Columbia Law professor and longtime advocate for using anti-trust regulation against the technology giants. He also coined the now-famous phrase “net neutrality.”