Pennsylvania Uninsured Rate Declines to Record Low

Pennsylvania--health coverage--uninsured rate

The number of people who do not have health insurance in Pennsylvania has declined to a record low, according to a new national study released by the United States Census Bureau.

The national study on health insurance coverage showed that the uninsured rate in Pennsylvania dropped to 5.5 percent in 2017. It is the lowest rate on the state’s record.

Since the Affordable Care Act became law, Pennsylvania’s uninsured rate has decreased. The downward trend continues despite efforts from the Trump administration to weaken Obamacare.

More than 1 million people in Pennsylvania are receiving comprehensive health care under the ACA through expanded Medicaid or the marketplace.

Medicaid Expansion Helped Reduce Pennsylvania’s Uninsured Rate

In a statement Friday, Gov. Tom Wolf said his administration took “significant steps to provide Pennsylvanians with affordable health coverage.” He noted that one of his actions as governor was expanding Medicaid under the ACA.

The number of people with health insurance increased significantly because of that directive and the ongoing initiatives of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and the Department of Human Services. In addition, the state’s insurance market is stable and competitive, according to Wolf.