President Trump Blasts “Fake News” CNN During G-7 Summit


Over the weekend, President Trump convened with other world leaders for the G-7 summit. However, during a press conference, the Commander-in-Chief slammed CNN as “fake news,” according to The Hill.

An Overview of the Question and President Trump’s Answer

The 45th President has maintained a troubled relationship with American press virtually since the inception of his entry into the 2016 election. The nature of the aforementioned relationship has not changed in nearly two years. During the highly anticipated and widely discussed G-7 summit, President Trump took part in a press conference.

At one point, a reporter asked the President about his relationship with other world leaders, particularly the leaders of Canada, Germany, and France. This question comes after controversy regarding Trump’s latest implementation of tariffs on aluminum and steel. The President’s political adversaries have moreover accused him of alienating U.S. allies and cozying up to foes.

However, according to Trump, his relationships with the other world leaders at the G-7 summit couldn’t be better. Before answering the reporter’s questions, the President inquired about which network the reporter worked for.