RaeLynn, Operation Underground Railroad Raise Awareness About Human Trafficking


For nearly ten years now, Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) has been in the fight against human trafficking. OUR works with members of the law enforcement community to stop human trafficking in the act and provide rescue and hope for survivors of this crime.

Unfortunately, many people don’t know that human trafficking happens everywhere. A decent amount of folks have been misled into believing that trafficking only emerges in far-off places.

In the efforts to raise awareness, musical artist RaeLynn, in partnership with OUR, recently released a new single called It’s Happening Right Here.

It’s Happening Right Here

Last year, OUR put out a documentary called It’s Happening Right Here. This documentary was featured in select theaters on November 3. It also gave viewers some insight into sting operations, the tactics of human traffickers, and the widespread nature of this crime.

It’s Happening Right Here then provided insight from OUR members and the law enforcement community. These folks have all worked directly on the ground and seen human trafficking in real time for what it is.