On Thursday, the company provided an update indicating that it obtained evidence that the cybercriminals downloaded data. It also stated that the malware is not yet fully contained and still affecting its systems.
“There are still no indications for services to the customers, including the cloud-based services, being disrupted. The company is refining its operations and internal processes continuously,” according to Software AG.
CLOP ransomware takes control with file encryption
A cybercriminal gang known as “Clop” confirmed that it was responsible for deploying the ransomware on Software AG’ IT infrastructure. The gang is demanding a huge ransom of over $20 million. The malware invaded the company’s internal network on Saturday and encrypted the files.
This type of ransomware is a dangerous malware. When the cybercriminals take your files, no security software or system restore can return them. Unless the ransom is paid, they are gone forever.
The hackers have demanded $20+ million ransom to provide Software AG with the decryption key. This is one of the largest known ransom demands in a ransomware attack.