An undressing app similar to the 2019 DeepNude and the 2017 Deepfake hoax is now in widespread use on the messaging app Telegram and was also found on the Russian social media platform VK. These undressing apps use artificial intelligence (AI) to create fake nudes.
Sensity AI, previously known as Deeptrace Labs, is a cybersecurity research company whose primary focus is the abuse of manipulated media. They performed an investigation and issued a report.
Undressing app discovered on Telegram messaging app
On July 11, 2019, a new undressing app was launched on Telegram, only a couple of weeks after an AI software tool called DeepNude was voluntarily removed from Twitter.
Sensity AI discovered the AI-based software was being publicly offered as a bot on Telegram. Unlike its 2019 DeepNude predecessor it had a simple user interface.
A community of users developed around a central channel that hosts the bot. It is allegedly connected to seven Telegram channels which are dedicated to technical support and image sharing. The image-sharing channels include interfaces that people can use to post and judge their nude creations.