10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Be Remembered as the Best President Ever


Unfortunately, success is something that is constantly under attack by progressives and Democrats. These attacks are largely carried out by the left’s incessant calls to increase taxes on wealthy, successful Americans. However, what the liberal left fails to realize is that one cannot make the poor rich by making the rich poor.

Success is something that must be earned and worked for. Having Trump in office places a spotlight on his achievements; it also shows that anything can be accomplished with determination, gumption, hard work and consistency.

#7. President Trump Bridges Gaps

Another highlight of Trump’s presidency is his ability to bridge gaps. This ability particularly presented itself with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Prior to the June Singapore summit, Trump and Kim Jong Un maintained a tense relationship, to say the least. Both parties frequently criticized one another. This subsequently prompted Trump critics to opine that he would drag America into World War III.

Of course, people who held this opinion turned out to be wrong. The president’s meeting with Kim Jong Un resulted in the signing of an agreement in which Kim Jong Un affirmed his decision to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. In exchange, Trump also agreed to halt joint military unions with South Korea.

Chris Strickland

Best Russian president ever.

Glenda Messina


Don Walker

This is about the most ignorant posting of lies, and out rite bull shit, I've ever seen. Must be Russian trolls.

Nandoicurn Davila

Lies.. wtf? Best president to whom?

Robert Thompson

Is this a joke?

Don Walker

Dennis Maloney
