Biden Push for $15 Minimum Wage, Hard Sell to GOP


Tomorrow afternoon, Joe Biden will assume the position of America’s 46th president.

The former vice president is getting sworn into office on Wednesday afternoon in Washington D.C. Biden’s inauguration will also include a heavy detail of armed security and police officers. Furthermore, no large gatherings are permitted; although, just about 200,000 American flags will take the place of the typically sizable crowd that views inaugurations.

When Biden assumes office, there are already a series of proposals that he’s going to seek to enact. A $1.9 trillion dollar spending package is on the Biden agenda, as is the push for a $15 federal minimum wage. However, a federal minimum wage increase of this nature will serve as a very hard sell to Republicans.

Fueling and furthering partisan divides

Hiking the minimum wage is a deeply partisan issue that Republicans and Democrats have never seen eye-to-eye on.

Democrats believe that increasing the minimum wage will help struggling families; however, the GOP continues to warn that minimum wage hikes always engender employment layoffs, reduced hours, increased prices, and other measures that offset potential economic gains.