Elizabeth Warren Confirms Potential Presidential Run


On Saturday, Elizabeth Warren confirmed that she may, in fact, run for president in 2020, according to The Hill.

An Overview of Warren’s Remarks

The Massachusetts Democrats delivered the following statements during a Holyoke town hall:

“It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top. After November 6, I will take a hard look at running for president.”

Warren also shared her opinions on gender and class dynamics in America:

“Working people have taken one punch to the gut after another. I am worried down to my bones about what Donald Trump is doing to our democracy. This week, I watched 11 men who were too chicken to ask a woman a single question.”

“I watched as Brett Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to that position and angry at anyone who would question him. I watched powerful men helping a powerful man make it to an even more powerful position, I watched that and I thought time’s up. Time’s up.”

Midterm Elections and Beyond

The midterm and 2020 elections are currently at the forefront of American politics. Republicans and Democrats are both striving to defeat each other in November. However, Democrats are also strongly seeking candidates who they believe will subdue President Trump in 2020. The president has already affirmed that he will seek re-election in the upcoming presidential race.