Mega-church mourns as pastor dies of COVID-19 weeks after defying state order not to hold indoor service


The Water of Life Community Church violated California’s health order

The Fontana megachurch has closed its doors after COVID-19 restrictions were put in place. However, it started offering indoor, socially-distanced services on October 31 with stringent health guidelines in place.

The mega-church violated a state health order to close indoor operations of churches located in counties experiencing a rapid increase in positive cases of COVID-19, according to David Wert a spokesman for San Bernardino County.

Wert told the Los Angeles Times that the county received complaints that the mega-church was conducting indoor services, defying the state health order.

The county sent a letter on Monday asking the Water of Life Community Church leaders to comply with the health order.

San Bernardino County has more than 99 thousand cases of COVID-19 and over a thousand deaths from the virus.


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