House Republican leaders released a draft of their compromise immigration legislation on Thursday.
The 293-page immigration bill entitled “The Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018” is a moderate alternative to the “Securing America’s Future Act” proposed by Republican Rep. Bob Goodlatte.
Speaker Paul Ryan will bring both bills to the House floor for consideration next week to stop a discharge petition.
Important provisions under compromise immigration legislation
The compromise immigration bill will provide legal protections for young undocumented immigrants known as DREAMers. They will be given a contingent non-immigrant status for six years and renewable for another six years. It also allows them to apply for a green card after five years of becoming a contingent non-immigrant
Additionally, the compromise immigration will provide $23.4 billion in border security funding. That amount includes $16.6 billion for a border wall system and $6.7 billion for infrastructure and technology to improve border security along the southern border of the United States. The bill contains a provision authorizing the government to cancel visas for DREAMers if the funding for the border wall is repealed.