Justice Department Is Finding “Missing” FBI Text Messages


(This report is an update to the prequel story regarding the “missing” FBI text messages.)

New coverage from The Daily Wire affirms that the Department of Justice is beginning to recuperate potentially damning text messages between two FBI agents responsible for investigating President Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Additional Updates About the “Recovered” FBI Text Messages

Last night, Americans learned that texts between FBI agents Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page are resurfacing after probing from the Justice Department. Both Stzrok and Page expressed a strong aversion to President Trump during the 2016 election as investigations into political bias were underway. Moreover, the two agents discussed an “insurance policy” in the event of President Trump’s victory. Exactly what the aforesaid insurance policy entails currently remains unknown.

Other factors of the missing messages remain unknown as well. Even though the Department of Justice claims to be recovering the texts, the composition of the messages are concealed from the general public. Americans have questioned what caused the texts to vanish in the first place, prompting the FBI to cite a “glitch” which also impacted other FBI cell phones.