Abortion rights protests go nationwide


The Supreme Court’s reversal of the 50-year-old Roe v. Wade decision was announced on Friday. And protests across the country erupted. Demonstrations for abortion rights took place in almost every major city across the U.S.  Washington D.C., New York, Atlanta, Phoenix, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Detroit had large protests with participants angry at the Court’s ruling.

After a May leak of the upcoming decision there have been protests at the Supreme Court Justices’ homes. And there was also an assassination attempt of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Phoenix abortion rights protests get violent

Late Friday, police released tear gas to disperse protestors at the Arizona Senate building. According to an Arizona Department of Public Safety the move came after demonstrators were banging on the glass doors of the building.

When the protests broke out some lawmakers were inside the state Capitol working on legislation. Republican state Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita posted a video on Twitter from inside the building. It shows protesters with signs chanting. And banging at the glass doors.