NASA Halloween is an online interactive Galaxy of Horrors


NASA Halloween is an online creative and fascinating Galaxy of Horrors, which includes new vintage-style horror movie ad posters, interactive tours of the universe, and apps to keep the kids entertained. The art is amazing but a little scary.  

The new downloadable posters Gamma-Ray Ghouls, Dark Matter, and Galactic Graveyard join the interactive Flares of Fury, Zombie World, Kepler’s Inferno, Monster Mash, Rains of Terror, and Eternal Darkness. They are all available in Spanish, as well.

All the posters are based on real space phenomena and were developed with input from astrophysicists. The Halloween galaxy was produced by NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Office (EEP), in Southern California located at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

Posters and Interactives:  GALAXY OF  HORRORS

Take a virtual tour of the universe: Exoplanet Travel Bureau

Or let the kids have some fun with an app that features the Spitzer infrared image of the Milky Way nebula: Design a Ghoul  

Jason Rhodes, an astrophysicist at JPL summed up his experience consulting on the project, “One of the things I really like about these posters is that if you spend some time studying the art and then maybe go learn a little more about each of these topics, you’ll see there was a lot of thought by the artists about the choices they made to highlight the science.” 

The Exoplanet Exploration began with the Kepler Space Telescope

We sometimes fear the things we don’t understand. The research at JPL is aimed toward understanding the stars that we see. But there are some stars that only advanced telescopes are able to view.