Biden Already Breaking Campaign Promises as Migrant Caravans March to U.S.


Biden team tells migrant caravans “now is not the right time” to seek asylum in the U.S.

President-elect Biden and his team’s response to this call for humanitarian aid was a cold, “Now is not the time to come to us.” This response was despite the constant open borders rhetoric and promise to undo as many of President Donald J. Trump’s policies as possible. This includes strong border protection and Migrant Protection Protocols (MMP).

The transition team then provided additional statements, “We recognize the importance of the incoming Government of the United States having shown a strong commitment to migrants and asylum seekers, which presents an opportunity for the governments of Mexico and Central America to develop policies and a migration management system that respect and promote the human rights of the population in mobility,” the group said. “We will advocate that the Biden government honors its commitments.”

When asked about the current MMP, which requires migrants to remain in Mexico while awaiting a hearing, the team insisted that Biden will be putting a stop to this policy while offering amnesty to 11 million undocumented immigrants. This plan was recently announced but had little explanation in regards to steps forward. When pushed, reporters were told these changes will take time.

Republicans warn millions of asylum seekers will attempt to enter the U.S.

“During the presidential debate, Joe Biden promised mass amnesty,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., tweeted Sunday. “The rest of the world noticed.”